The Contextual Psychology Center takes the COVID-19 pandemic seriously.
The evidence is clear: the most effective strategy for limiting infection rates and preserving health systems is to limit physical contact as much as possible. This is why we offer our services online as well as in person. At first glance, online therapy may appear an unappealing option. However, data suggests that while there is no substitute for in-person human contact, online psychotherapy can be as effective as in-person psychotherapy. In addition, the ACORN system we use ensures adequate monitoring of our therapies’ effectiveness.
The Contextual Psychology Center provides approaches that work to help you live and nurture the life you want, reduce your suffering, change your behavior, optimize your performance, and minimize unnecessary stress.
We work with adults, children, teens, couples, families, teams and organizations and offer individual and group interventions.
Our therapists and practitioners are certified by the Ordre des Psychologues du Quebec (OPQ), the Order of Social Workers of Quebec (OTSQ), or the Order of Guidance Counsellors of Quebec (OCOQ).
Anxiety, depression, affective disorders, trauma, obsessive-compulsive disorder, self-esteem issues, body image, excessive worry, perfectionism, personality issues, bipolar disorder, and the full range of mental disorders.
Addictions (alcohol, substances, gambling, internet, pornography), sleep disorders, tics and habit disorders (skin or hair pulling, nail-biting), anger management, kids’ oppositional behavior, and the many challenges of adolescence.
Difficulties connecting, insecure attachment, communication problems, values conflicts, and sexual difficulties.
Difficulty following instructions, academic difficulties, attachment disorders, separation anxiety, performance anxiety, challenges of adolescence, parental coaching and family interventions.
Professional uncertainties, career guidance, workplace stress, burnout, professional harassment.
Optimizing performance, facing performance anxiety, mental preparation.
Stress management, living on “autopilot”, attentional difficulties, difficulties in fully feeling.
Sense of a narrowing life, feelings of emptiness, search for meaning.
For each of us to live a life worth living, our fundamental yearnings need to be met. These needs are perfectly natural and healthy. In fact, they form the bedrock of our deepest life longings. We can help.
Our brains are wired for connecting wi others and to attach those to those closest to us. Being in a secure relationship is a fundamental yearning. Loneliness, isolation, and unsatisfactory relationships are the sources of some of our greatest suffering and a major health hazard.
Humans evolved in groups. Cooperation forms the basis of all human achievements. Belonging to a group is one of our deepest yearnings. Rejection, social contempt and fear of others’ judgment can be sources of great suffering.
As social creatures, we are wired to contribute to the group in one way or another. Contributing through work, volunteering, or by supporting our friends and family is a central yearning for us all. Being unable to meaningfully contribute or seeing our contribution ignored can cause us profund distress.
Ever since humans have known how to speak, they have sought to make sense of their lives and what they do. Finding, giving and creating meaning have thus become fundamental yearnings for all thinking humans. A life devoid of meaning does not feel worth living.
From the moment we are born, we seek to interact with our physical environment through our five senses. We yearn to feel. For this reason, it can be painfully disorienting when our ability to feel dulls. To live well, we need to feel well.
Like all living beings, humans need security. Minimally safe living conditions are essential to living well. Beyond our need for material security, we need to feel secure in our attachments and in our relationship to our emotions such as anxiety or sadness.